Knowing we had another game coming up, I bought these little baseball hats at Target. Neither boy likes wearing them for very long, but they look sooo cute! I also dressed Caleb in an outfit that Joshua used to wear (borrowed from Jordon). These days, the second Joshua outgrows it, Caleb is ready for it! They've been enjoying the "Mickey Mouse" and the choo-choo (something... can't really remember the name) that Mamaw & Papaw bought Joshua for Christmas. So, this outfit was perfect since it had Mickey & baseball. Joshua picked out his own outfit, which I also thought was appropriate for the day.
At the last minute, I called my Dad to see if he'd be willing to watch Caleb. He said sure and came right over. I must say that one thing I truly appreciate about my Dad is that he seems to enjoy the boys and helping us out. He rarely says no when I ask him to do something, and it has been amazing since he has been back. Originally I thought it would be nice to take lil' Caleb along with us, but he was so playful that day that I thought him sitting still in a seat with us would feel like an eternity for him (and therefore us). That combined with my awful cold, I wasn't sure how I would feel chasing after him. It was a good choice. I wish we would have left Joshua behind, too. With his cold, he was slightly miserable.
Earlier that day, Aunt Missy stopped by to drop off my birthday gift (thanks so much!) and visit the boys. When she arrived, we were all still in our PJs. It had been that kind of day. I have so much to accomplish, but when you're schnarky, you just don't feel like doing much of anything but resting. Eventually, though, we got moving! I was actually glad we had the game to look forward to that night.
We met our friends at the gate and handed them their tickets that we had gotten once again from the guy on Craig's List. The guy sitting next to me asked how we knew him, so I told him that we bought a few games off him. Daddy went right away to get snacks and drinks - it's become tradition to eat crackerjack and ice cream at the game. Joshua also begged for a 'blue' drink (???) and eventually Shawn found a lemonade stand that offered blue lemonade, which the Bean highly enjoyed.
When he was actually wearing his hat and glove, I thought he looked adorable. But, he didn't act quite so adorable this time. He was pretty grouchy in general. But again, I understand. He was coughing so bad that night that I called the pediatrician who ordered us more breathing medicine and we were able to pick it up within 10 minutes of the call, which was pretty impressive.
Chris & Lisa and Isabella joined us for the evening. We were afraid Chris might have to work, but they didn't ask him to. He & Lisa had battled poison ivy this week and while he won, Lisa is still fighting. :( :( :( Isabella seemed to enjoy her time there!
She even wore Joshua's hat & glove for a few minutes! But, this time they didn't get any balls. Every time they came in off the field, Joshua wasn't paying attention and they threw the ball to someone else. There were tons of kids there that night, and the others were behaving well and ready with their gloves, unlike the Bean on this particular night.
Here are Lisa & Isabella waiting for their dinner!
The game was good, and when we left I think York was beating the Barnstomers by one run. Here's the group watching the game.
Joshua was waiting patiently for his ball... only it wasn't the right timing to get one. :( :( :(
I thought he looked so cute that I had to snap a few pictures.
He would say "ball please!" I think he thinks that you get a ball at every game just for showing up. He's been spoiled with these seats!
Here's me & Shawn enjoying the game.
And our friends again:
Eventually, I asked Joshua if he'd like to go play at the playground. He was excited to go, and Isabella grabbed his hand and they were off like a shot up the stairs. All the eyes were on these cutie pies holding hands and racing up the stairs.
The playground was a bit overwhelming, though. I'm glad Caleb wasn't there with us. There were a TON of big kids (and again there's a height limit that no one really enforces, which I realize would be difficult to do). Most of the children's parents weren't anywhere around and they were pretty rough. I was on Joshua like a hawk, but he did absolutely fine. Then I saw a small child getting picked on. Three bigger kids had one smaller one with his arms pinned behind him. I desperately looked for an attendant or someone there, and realizing that no one was in sight, I went up to the crowd. I asked if they were all brothers. The biggest one answered and said no. I asked where his parents were, and still not letting go of the little boy, he told me that they weren't there but they had said he could be. I told him that he had better go find his parents. He said he was allowed to be there. I sternly said that I didn't think he was playing nicely. He said the little boy started it. UGH! I told him once again that he should find his parents, and eventually they took off. I also found an attendant (thank God) and told him about the situation so he could be more alert. I often wonder why parents are so out of touch with their little kids. Particularly, I wondered why a parent would let the really little guy on this playground by himself? It was obviously rough. I hated being the one to step in. Then I realized that sometimes God puts us in places where He wants us to step in and stand up for the little guy. I've been reading about speaking up for injustice and wondering what that means for me. Then I had an example where I felt silly scolding children that were not my own. Yet, I couldn't stand there as an adult (unlike other parents around) and not say something when a little one was obviously being picked on. Please pray for all these youngsters!!!
Here are our kids on the slide. I was glad when Daddy came up a little after 9 as we had agreed upon, and it was time to go. The game was only in the 4th inning or so, but we were tired and ready to go home.
Lisa took a picture of our family, and I took one of theirs with their camera.
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