Mom watched the boys on Monday and then Grandpa Georgia watched the boys on Wednesday while I headed to school. That night I went to the hair dresser and came home and went to bed since I was starting to get a migraine.
Thursday, though, was a really good day. That morning I saw Dr. Winand about my legs, and he said they're still not ready for more surgery yet since they still have significant inflammation. So, I see him again in July. He told me that he has five kids, ages five and under. WOW! It was interesting to hear his story. Grandma watched the boys for me while I was there, and then after her yoga class was done (and we were done at the grocery store), we took the boys shoe shopping. Both boys got their feet measured, and Caleb is now an 8W and growing like a weed and Joshua is in a 9 1/2. I think he'll be in a 10 soon enough. I bought Joshua sneakers since he doesn't have any, and Mom bought him a new pair of Mickey Mouse Crocs and Caleb a pair of summer sneakers. Since we were at the Stride Rite Outlet, we walked next door to the Disney Store, which the boys LOVED. I had never been in that one, and it was really big! The boys kept picking things out and falling in love with them. Mamaw bought them each a cup and t-shirt (thanks!!!). They both were enthralled by all the neat things. We had a fun morning shopping.
Grandpa Georgia had offered to watch the boys that night for us so we could go on a date. He actually came over early, though, so I could go for a jog to the park since the weather was gorgeous. It was lovely! When Shawn got home, we headed to Carabba's since we had a gift card. It was a really great day and night. :) :) :) We enjoyed the date. Afterward, Dad, Caleb & I went to Mountville to pick up a cheap, used toy kitchen for the boys (and their friends, of course) that came with a bunch of food. Daddy & Joshua spent some time playing with Joshua's new Cars-themed Wii game that Shawn had bought him. He LOVES it! And I'm surprised at how well Joshua does playing with the Wii. When we got back with our new toys, we all enjoyed some warm apple pie and ice cream to finish off our fantastic day and then Grandpa headed home while we put the boys to bed.
Friday morning, Grandpa Georgia & I took the boys to some garage sales. I had seen an ad on Craig's List that Quail Hollow was having their development yard sale. Since I know my dad is nuts about yard sales, I thought I would see if he wanted to go and of course he did. That morning, I peeled potatoes and threw them in the crock pot with a roast and some seasonings before we left. We drove up 272 Oregon Pike and I ended up missing the turn to get into the development. I pulled down the next road and headed down toward a sign that said 'garage sale' and while Dad got out and looked, I called Shawn to give me the road name to look for. In the mean time, Grandpa found Buzz Light Year (a toy that Joshua had been begging for and I tried to buy off Craig's List for $15 only for the lady never to get back to me with her address) for .... 50 CENTS!!!! I couldn't believe it. We brought that treasure home for me to clean and put batteries in and it works! Joshua was SO excited! As were we with our steal-of-a-deal.
Grandpa bought the boys a new sled, he found a car seat that had the five-point harness and looked to be in really good condition for $1 (just in case he would ever need to take the kids somewhere in a pinch) and a few other toys. We also found a brand new in the package Veggie Tales movie for a dollar. We had pretty good luck there! The boys eventually got tired of walking around and not being able to touch everything they saw, so we left just before lunch time.
My sister had thought she might need someone to pick Faith up at school, so I called to confirm and she didn't need the help. But, I invited her to the park and she accepted. We all ate McDonald's at Stoner Park and let the kids play. Caleb ADORED the swings! This is the first time he ever really showed an interest in swinging, and he stayed there most of the time we were there. Joshua was pretty tired by then, so we headed out after an hour or so and went back to the house for naps.
That afternoon I created two casseroles that I stuck in the freezer and Grandma stopped by to visit for a couple minutes. Then while the boys napped, I decided to mow our lawn by myself. Normally Shawn does this, but it was so overgrown I feared we would lose our children. The day was absolutely gorgeous outside and they had been calling for rain that weekend and colder temperatures all week. So, I went out and mowed. Mom's visit was at the perfect time since we own her old mower, and she showed me where to put the gas in. After she left, I mowed the entire yard, stopping numerous times to empty the bag (the hardest part at first). Every time I did, I opened the front door to listen for the kids and make sure they were okay.
Shawn hadn't had the best day at work, but he seemed pleased that the yard no longer made our house look like a 'repo' and that dinner was ready when he got here. It had been a productive day, but I was beat! That said, he let me go for a jog and I couldn't turn down the offer. I ran and then came home and ate supper. Since the Dairy Queen had buy one, get one for a quarter blizzards on sale, we decided that a treat sounded good. On the way we called friends to see if they wanted to join us, but they declined, which was no big deal. We enjoyed the ice cream and put the kids to bed when we got home and we watched TV until late... maybe Glee or Lost? Can't remember...
Then Caleb woke up screaming at 11 pm and didn't go back to bed until after 4 am. We were zombies all day Saturday and got nothing done. It was just sort of a yucky day. We were supposed to go to a birthday party for Ben, but we wanted to make sure Caleb wasn't really sick (he had a bit of a runny nose). I think it may have been his teeth coming in. He was completely better by Sunday, but we decided not to chance it on Saturday. So, other than a trip to Walmart and a little shopping, we didn't do anything that day except eat one of the casseroles I made. Joshua ate nothing but peas that night for dinner. ???
The next day, Grandpa Georgia came over with pizza for lunch before the boys napped. We were supposed to have a youth group reunion later that afternoon, but the cold rainy weather made them push back the date. So, we went to life group and enjoyed our time there with friends.
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