Joshua is on the mend, I believe. I took him back to the doctor's office Friday morning. He now weighs 26 lbs - down a full pound. They are concerned, but there's not much we can do for diarrhea. He is not allowed to have milk as his body may be having a hard time processing lactose, but she recommended full fat soy milk or Lactaid. He also shouldn't have a lot of carbs because the body also processes them like sugar, which will go right through him into his diapers. Finally, we need to avoid fruit for the time being, except for bananas. We also are to increase his fat and protein intake (easier said than done with a kid that doesn't like to eat). He is to drink as much Pedialite as we can get into him (which is basically none) and water (which he is loving). It has helped. Today we haven't changed nearly the amount of diapers that we had been in the past few days! He is complaining today, though, that his belly aches. That goes along with this virus, I think. Please pray for a complete healing for my snuggle buggle!
Praise God, Caleb hasn't gotten any kind of illness. He also had five vaccines at his doctor's visit, and he has been doing well. Shawn & I both are feeling a million times better, and we are grateful for the help from my mom and the love and care from family & friends.
As we prepare for our trip to Florida, please pray that birds don't take out our engine!!!
Finally, I will leave this blog post with a verse that spoke to me. I'm currently reading through the book of Isaiah. It is incredible how much it reminds me of's like Isaiah was living among us - I highly encourage you to read it! The idols (think of American Idol & Survivor, plus the 'not so obvious' ones that take over our thoughs), the rebellion against God, the way we treat God and each other... and yet, the Lord continues to be gracious to His people: Isaiah 3:10 "Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds."
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