This afternoon Shawn warmed up leftovers for our lunch. We sat down at the table and began to eat when Joshua said something that I can't remember because at first we weren't paying much attention. Finally Daddy said, "What would you like Joshua?" Thinking he wanted some of the food on Daddy's plate, Shawn offered Joshua a bite of his food even though it was the same thing on Joshua's plate. The Bean shook his head no. Then he put out his hand to hold and sort of quietly mumbled. Shawn and I looked at each other in amazement and said "PRAYERS!" We had forgotten to thank God for our food. But, Joshua didn't forget. Shawn took his hand and mine and prayed a blessing over our meal. After he said "Amen!" so did Joshua (as usual) and then the Bean began to eat. We were impressed to say the least. Aren't kids so wonderful and so amazing? God brings them into our lives for us to teach them and yet I think we learn so much in the process.
Again at bedtime, Joshua lifted up his hands to Daddy's for prayers (I was feeding Caleb at the moment Joshua said "Night night? Okay?" signaling that he was tired and ready for bed). Daddy immediately knew what Joshua meant this time. I love that Joshua loves to pray. My sweet boy! My prayer is that he has the faith to move mountains, that his decisions and life are guided by God's word and the Holy Spirit, that Jesus would live inside his heart and Joshua would love the Lord his God with all his might and love his neighbor as himself. I pray the same thing for Caleb. May our entire family (including us) honor God with all they think, say and do.
1 comment:
oh my word! That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard! Good job Joshua for reminding your parents to give thanks! And good job parents for teaching Josh to pray! I love you all!!!
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