What comes out when life squeezes you?My mom lent me some CDs of a sermon series from her church awhile ago since I don't get to go to church as often as I'd like. The pastor titled the series "Juicy Fruit" and said that when life's circumstances squeeze you, what comes out? Is it the "juice" from the fruit of the Spirit, or is it something you'd rather others not see? I know there have been several times that I have been feeling the squeeze of life's turns, such as my recent car accident. I pray that what is revealed from these circumstances is godly character, even though I know that I fall so short of this goal over and over again.
Will you pray for Joshua's character?
Joshua's angels have been protecting him from the moment he was conceived. We have truly felt your prayers over his safety, his health, and his life! Will you join us now in praying for his character? One of my favorite books to read to Joshua was given to me by Jodi Frank, a very sweet woman from my church. The introduction says:
"There is not a home, church, school, or company in the world that is not in need of men who model godly behavior. Where are these men to be found? They are found in every home where little boys are growing up. Tomorrow's leaders for our churches, our communities, and our world must be trained in our homes today."
Please pray that Shawn and I will be positive role models for Joshua and train him to be a man after God's own heart. We are new to the parenting experience and long to do what's right for Joshua!
The Fruit of the Spirit
Galations 5:22-23 says "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control..." In subsequent posts, I will write about each one of these fruit and ask you to pray for Joshua that day regarding that attribute. I believe in the power of prayer, and I'm so thankful that you are praying for our little boy! Please pray that when he has to experience a set-back in life, he will be a demonstration of JUICY FRUIT!